
How do we calm, dissolve, and dissipate fear for yourself and others?

How do we step into our radiant light and hold the highest vision for our planet?

Everyone reading this is a light-worker working on multi-dimensional levels on the deconstruction and reconstruction of our planet.

The challenge we face is to stay balanced and shine our radiant light, all the while contending with unprecedented world-wide change.

This is the time we have all been in training for, and it requires we bring our full mastery online!

We have enormous help to do this and the Council of Ascended Beings I work with has downloaded a 6 week program to help all of us stay in our highest alignment. 

“While it might appear as if a blanket of darkness has descended over the planet, we are here to say that an even stronger and more powerful blanket of light is also wrapping your Earth and humanity. We would like to help you stay in alignment with everything this light brings in.”

The following is a description of what the Council of Ascended Beings will be exploring with us: 

“We begin by sharing multiple light technologies to help you clear and dissolve fear, and maintain a higher vibration than what is pervading in your mass consciousness right now. This contribution is extremely meaningful.

We will explore the meaning behind this massive upheaval and help you see and understand what is unfolding from our perspective.

We will call on your Superpowers. To activate your Superpowers you simply stay committed to focusing on high vibrations of consciousness. This is a practice and requires your command. This awakens the dormant powers you carry. You are so powerful! A small amount of light workers can effect a huge amount of change.

Your Superpowers enable you to perceive higher truths, hone the ability to instruct your body to increase your immune, dissolve and release fear, and claim your vibrational power to become an active participant in grounding and creating the New Earth. You are the New Earth grid through holding vibrations of peace, joy, trust, compassion, love.

We will be exploring individual and personal obstacles you come up against while in the process of shedding your old blueprint, thought forms, and beliefs.

And we will share techniques, both energetic and material, to keep your body strong and resilient.

We would like everyone reading this to know that many, many Ascended, Enlightened, Christed Beings are in the process of co-creating platforms to support humanity, and assist in the rebuilding through love-based creation - even while old systems are being dismantled before your very eyes. Through holding the light and love intention within yourself you are creating a new foundation for all of humanity.”


Wednesday, April 8th, 2020
5:00 - 6:30pm Mountain Time

(4 - 5:30pm PST and 7 - 8:30pm EST)

And continues on each of the next Wednesday evenings. We will be meeting on a zoom conference call.

I am offering the program for $147
Or whatever price is within your means at this time. All are welcome.

At the end of each class, professional sound healer Madeleine Grace, will lead us through a vocal toning practice to integrate and consecrate all data and information that moved through us via these teachings.



Why  is  it  important  to  open  up  your  telepathic  channel? 

“We are in a powerful global transformation and it has become critical for humans to understand how to co-create with other dimensional realms. By this we mean it is time for humans to work collaboratively with Gaia and the elementals, as well as with all of the Enlightened realms and worlds that are now available for guidance and assistance - both personally and globally."

- Lightworkers Council

We are offering a live 6 week webinar this September on how to reclaim your telepathic ability.

Telepathy is not a gift but an innate skill everyone possesses. It has never been easier to activate this ability because we are all in the process of igniting a higher level of consciousness. Telepathy is one of multiple dormant powers we organically activate as we move into a higher consciousness.

This program is channeled from two of the Councils I currently collaborate with. One Council consists entirely of enlightened Star Beings who specialize in assisting us to activate our telepathic skills. The second Council consists of 3 Master Teachers who are overlighting this work with guidance and dispensations.
Rainbow Mountains Photo by Daniel Brown.JPEG

We begin the course through meeting our personal Spirit Guides, and understanding how to receive their communication.

We will also learn how to connect with the Deva spirit of your land, and possibly elementals, such as fairies and nature spirits, depending on where you live.

We will work as a group in learning how to listen to Gaia for She is very interested in establishing a cognitive relationship with us.

From there we move on to explore communication with Angels, Archangels, Master Teachers, and Enlightened Christed Star Beings.

With humility, vulnerability, strength, and love, we will once again become active in co-creating with Great Spirit and Gaia, light-grounding the New Earth.
bird border.png

September 10th — October 15th, 2020
3:00pm Pacific | 4:00pm Mountain Time | 6:00pm Eastern Time

COST: $187
Or whatever price is within your means at this time.

All are welcome.



The amazing thing is we have already arrived! We’re just expanding into who we’ve always been…

6 CONSECUTIVE THURSDAYS (except Thanksgiving)
October 29th — December 10th, 2020
3:00pm Pacific | 4:00pm Mountain Time | 6:00pm Eastern Time

COST: $187
Or whatever price is within your means at this time.
All are welcome.

Our planet is in full throttle transition, moving from a 3rd Dimensional reality into the higher vibrational 5th Dimensional reality.

How do we hold a 5th Dimensional frequency while living in a 3D world?

We are releasing an old fear-based paradigm and stepping into that which we’ve always been but has been intentionally obscured in order to play the game of bringing consciousness into the lower dimensions.

We have completed this game and now it’s time to bring our full light and divinity online. It’s time to rebuild our planet.

This 6 week course is co-created by a Lightworkers Council consisting of Archangel Metatron, Isis, and Lady Nada, with drop-in visitors from the Enlightened realms. We will explore how to uplevel our personal vibration, unlocking the keys and codes within, to live from a centered place of peace, clarity, wisdom, and unity consciousness.

"Everything you will be learning in this program you are not learning for the first time but instead activating your re-membering. For everyone of you has agreed to come into a physical body at this time in order to be of assistance in this massive global transformation. And for this we thank you." 

- Lightworkers Council

Humanity and Mother Earth are upleveling into a new and higher frequency requiring us to re-think and re-organize how we play the “game-of-life.” There are new rules to a brand new game. Through understanding this new model, we literally rewire our minds and bodies to activate a higher, more authentic version of ourselves.

Sunset Mountains Photo by Daniel Brown.JPEG


"So many ask how you can be of the greatest service at this time. And we tell you the most powerful action you can do is to understand how to hold/embody the highest light quotient possible. In this way you add your light, your power, your consciousness into the New Earth grid. This 5th Dimensional grid contains the solution for every problem in existence on Earth. Everything can be solved through humanity embodying collectively a higher consciousness, a higher vibration - and it is for this reason we ask you for your willingness to focus on awakening." 

- Lightworkers Council

Some Areas of Exploration Included in this Program

What are the new rules to this new game? We begin with this topic as our foundation. As we come to understand how to sit with confidence in the “eye-of-the-3D-storm,” we then open into our own innate magic.

In our quest to move beyond a dualistic paradigm, we ignite our ability to balance the Divine Enlightened Masculine with the Divine Liberated Feminine. This inner marriage births “The Divine Child” - our awakened consciousness. We will explore how to bring love and forgiveness to our inner masculine and our inner feminine, allowing this union to be realized.

During these unprecedented times we have the unique opportunity to retrieve the gifts and skills accumulated through lifetimes. We will focus on unwrapping your true gifts, remembering past life trainings and initiations you undertook in order to be of service in this time of planetary transformation.

Can we speak directly to our Mother Gaia and hear her wisdom? We explore ways to connect and communicate with Gaia directly, asking her how we can be of the highest service, both individually and as a group.

The Master Teachers in the Lightworkers Council will also help us understand how we can assist others in accessing higher consciousness and the New Earth Ascension timeline. This awakening is for the whole world!

Let’s get the party started!


6 CONSECUTIVE THURSDAYS (except Thanksgiving)
October 29th — December 10th, 2021
3:00pm Pacific | 4:00pm Mountain Time | 6:00pm Eastern Time

COST: $187
Or whatever price is within your means at this time.
All are welcome.




Opening your Telepathic Channels


We are multi-dimensional beings living in a multi-dimensional world. Communicating with ethereal realms is your birthright, a sacred gift that belongs to every human being.

As we birth a new level of consciousness on the planet we are naturally called to connect with the vibrational world of more subtle realms. Once we open the door to this vast universe we can meet our spiritual guides, angels and archangels, avatars, ascended master teachers, devas and ancient land guardians, deceased loved ones, totem animals, star beings and more.

Like learning a new language, honing telepathic skills requires trust, play and practice. This workshop will introduce you to your connection with divine realms, and enable you to receive guidance and deeper insight from those Beings of Light who serve as your guides.

Let your journey begin now! No prior experience necessary.


Lindsay working with Deva Spirits at Peekamoose Blue Hole in Catskills, NY

Lindsay working with Deva Spirits at Peekamoose Blue Hole in Catskills, NY


Learning to Listen to the Land WORKSHOP


We have been programed to believe we are separate from the land and are unable to hear her voice. Yet there is infinite wisdom in Nature’s intelligence that is available for us to connect to, and learn from.


How to communicate with the Deva or Spirits of the land, who speak concisely as to what is needed to restore harmony to any natural landscape.

You will learn how to connect with Nature Spirits and come to understand their gifts and skills in creating a collaborative working relationship.

We will explore how to release heavy energy from the soil of the land - often trapped human traumas from the past — to energize and up level the land’s vibration.

These sacred paths of collaboration will profoundly impact all that grows on your property.

Finally, you will learn how to create an ongoing co-creative relationship with Nature Intelligence and her amazing unseen inhabitants, honored in Ireland as the ‘Little People.’


"What is the Great Lesson you hold?"


"The awakening of the humans is something to celebrate. We are a portal of awareness that leads you back into balance and back into the experience of the energetic living web of life, where we are all connected and alive in this vast ocean of consciousness."



Workshop Testimonials


"Lindsay's Telepathic Immersion Workshop exceeded my expectations on all levels!! It really was a true immersion experience. I feel a sense of expansiveness in a multitude of ways. It's been two weeks since the workshop ended and I have a lasting sense of expansiveness in my heart chakra, my light body is more intact and activated and my sensitivities have increased 10 fold! In connecting to my guides and the deva spirits, I also connected deeply to the Divine presence in all. I just feel different in a most profoundly beautiful way. Everywhere I turn my attention there is magic! I look forward to continuing this study in order to increase my understanding of and connection to the unseen world. Lindsay is a stellar human being, teacher and guide. She brings equanimity to her workshop and a deep belief in the telepathic abilities of each attendee that is contagious! I would work with her over and over again."

- J.B.

"I have grown to have the utmost respect and trust in Lindsay and her special gifts. She is grounded, humorous and unpretentious, qualities that in my experience are often lacking in those who do telepathic work.  I would recommend this training without hesitation.

My biggest learning was that there is a vast universe available to us, vaster than vast in fact and that we are only tapping into a small portion of it.  There is so much more to learn."

- E.M.

"Working with Lindsay was magical. She holds a caring space for personal and group telepathic exploration and development. Lindsay’s home provides a lovely and comfortable sanctuary where we were able to work comfortably. The supportive, non-judgmental communal atmosphere facilitated my burgeoning telepathic abilities. Our learning group quickly formed a loving and supportive community with whom my confidence regarding my telepathic-channeling skills became magnified. Our delicious buffet meals were lovingly presented and joyously shared at our communal table in Lindsay’s garden."

- K.H.

"From the moment I first met Lindsay in a group workshop I knew I needed to learn from her. My sessions have been incredible, offering me information about patterns and family dynamics, guidance on making shifts, and ultimately helping me to heal and arrive at higher ground. I am stepping into my own telepathy and abilities as a healer in a stronger way. Lindsay continues to help me grow as a person and as a healer and I am incredibly grateful."

- P.L.

"I intend to use this work in my communications with land and plant spirits. I view them with much more respect. Also, when I go out hiking I feel more respect for the land I walk upon. Asking permission to walk in, leaving offerings, getting to know the Devas and spirits of mountains, plants, streams, trees, the Earth!….I feel that these beings have so much knowledge.

During the workshop, a part of me awakened that had previously been covered up or dormant. It feels amazing to know that I am able to connect with spirit and receive messages in my own way. To live a happy life! To be in understanding of why I am here. I felt very loved and supported in the group to open this path in my life. I am so grateful to have had this experience in such an enchanted place."

- A.D.

"I am so grateful for our class, and for the inspiring experiences and messages you provided, from both you and beyond. I carry it all with me and feel moved from a deep place inside. You so exuded and embodied your teachings. Thank you from a deep place in my heart."

- M.K.P.

"Lindsay is such a competent facilitator; she lives what she teaches and creates such a safe and inspiring learning environment. Lindsay provided excellent information, paced the class well, and created a magical, yet grounded place to explore various facets of telepathy. This topic was new to most of us in the group, and everyone fully engaged in the process. I left every class inspired, yet relaxed. I am so grateful to be living my life with these new, uplifting skills."

- C.D.

"Lindsay, your class was just what I needed to get me started! I wanted my hand held as I ventured into a new world, and you did a perfect job! I now find that I can easily contact my guides and write out our conversations— an amazing source of higher information, lovingly delivered.

You helped me to understand invocations, so that I could write my own. You helped me discern the difference between a guide and my Higher Self (a lot easier than I thought it would be). You prompted me to explore more widely than I would have on my own, and now the world is quite a bit bigger.... All of this has contributed massively to my sense of who we are and what is possible for us. I can’t thank you enough."

- W.H.

"Lindsay provided a mind blowing, life altering, awe inspiring experience, in both the private session I had with her and in the telepathy course she taught. Lindsay is deeply compassionate and grounded, and a powerful cosmically connected woman. She illuminated a path to love and source I always knew was possible, but never knew how to attain. I am forever grateful for the doors she has helped me open. Thank you, thank you! Many blessings."

- M.G.J.

"I had the opportunity of taking Lindsay's 8 week course on Re-Opening The Telepathic Channels. This course touched me on all levels. In fact, just as it's titled: this course touched me on levels I did not know I had! By that I mean, the levels of authentic love and understanding between my Spiritual Guides, Master Teachers and myself. 

We worked primarily to dissolve our own blockages that have been holding us back from reaching our telepathic potentials. So for me, I worked in areas of vulnerability and personal struggle. The guidance I received during this course and present time is the most direct and spot on guidance I have ever encountered. And I received healings simply from the awareness of deep truths gained from my Guides. 

Class with Lindsay was a balance of densely thought provoking, fun, emotional, heart opening, grounding, and healing. And one of the most extraordinary things I noticed was the confidence that Lindsay facilitated in me. We got affirmation from her during class and she made herself available to us outside of class time as well. But furthermore, she celebrated the way in which each of us worked and taught us how to expand upon our communications with such brilliance that I've learned how to take steps forward and most importantly how to trust. 

This work is real, uplifting, it is available to anyone and it is bringing about the 'new human.' For this work I am a changed woman, wife, mother, healer and artist. I embody more love and I see it reflected back at me in my family, my friends, my patients and my Spiritual Council. 

My channels continue to open, amaze and inspire me. I have gained tools of gold which will remain with me the rest of my life. Blessed be.

- R.L.S.

"Lindsay, your class was just what I needed to get me started!  I wanted my hand held as I ventured into a new world, and you did a perfect job!  I now find that I can easily contact my guides and write out our conversations—an amazing source of higher information, lovingly delivered."

- C.M.