Personal Retreats with Lindsay

This powerful healing retreat, designed for couples or individuals, will prove to be an experience like no other. Imagine an entire weekend focused exclusively on moving through obstacles and creating a crystal clear path in alignment with your Soul’s passion and mission.

This work is dynamic and deeply nourishing. Your customized retreat will be guided entirely by Enlightened Light Beings, coalescing to help you in realizing your highest Self. You will be assisted in moving through whatever needs to be cleared, healed and integrated, in order to elevate you into greater consciousness and joy.

The weekend begins the week before you arrive with phone sessions connecting you with your personal Spiritual Council in a collaborative exploration of what might best serve our work together.

During the retreat I will lead you through informative sessions, energetic healing, personal assignments and meditative exercises all channeled by Divine Light Beings specifically designed for your evolution and realization of personal goals.

The cost for this retreat is $2,000 not including room and board. The location of the retreat is Taos, New Mexico.

Taos Mountain, photo by Sajit Greene

Taos Mountain, photo by Sajit Greene

Loving the self initiates the removal of all blockage to your awakening, this permits the profound energies of Divinity to anchor in your body-temple.

"Lindsay’s guidance led me to a deeper understanding of my highest self. The information I received was profound, yet familiar. It’s as if she reconnected me to a knowing that I’ve always had, something that I had simply forgotten."

- M.B., Berkeley, CA