Cosmic Dragon 2

Dear Reader, 

This blog is the second in a series, a longer story I will share over multiple blogs, to be read ideally in order. If you missed the first installment, please refer to my blog Cosmic Dragon 1 to read about my unbelievable experience meeting a dragon. In this blog #2 I am picking up the narrative exactly where I left off.  We had just opened up a significant portal and I wanted to understand more. 

I am sharing my experience of working with a dragon over the last few years and which continues today as an ongoing collaboration. I share this story as a radical invitation to become yet more wide-minded to the level of magic and miracles available to us now on our awakening planet. We have far more assistance than we ever dreamed possible. And this story is but one of many, for there are hundreds of thousands of light workers collaborating with all levels of other dimensional beings of love and light and wisdom, who are showing up explicitly to help us cross the threshold into humanity’s next evolutionary shift. It is with so much gratitude and love I share my own personal journey in my awakening to experiences I had never before thought possible. 

Eetunan, the dragon, and I had just completed our first collaborative assignment opening a vast portal at a unique archeological site near Taos, NM, called “The Gorge.” 

“What Is The Reason For Opening This Portal?” 

The sun was now high and the cool of the morning was gone. I was without the benefit of shade, sitting in the open landscape at the Gorge and my skin shone with perspiration. But still I could not leave. 

I turned my attention to Eetunan. “Can you say more about the meaning and impact of this portal we have just opened. And why was it closed originally?” 

Eetunan responded, “This portal opens an energetic, vibrational flow connecting the enlightened wisdom embodied in the Inner Earth civilizations with the Earth’s surface.” 

In order to understand his explanation, I must dip lightly into the concept of the Inner Earth. Many of you reading this already have a clear understanding of the advanced civilizations who reside in a 5th and higher dimensional realm within our planet. (There will come a time when we reconnect with these beings, but that story must wait till later...) 

The Inner Earth civilizations, known as Agartha and Telos, once resided on the Earth’s surface. These beings vibrate in a higher dimensional octave than we do. As Earth began to enter her darker, denser phase known as the Kali yuga, moving further away in our galactic orbit from the galactic center (explore the concept of epoch cycles called yugas) these advanced races knew they could not survive within the denser vibrations to come. They had to choose between leaving Earth and creating a hidden world within the Earth. And because they love Earth as much as we do, most chose to stay. 

The inner world they created is a paradise, complete with its own sun and bodies of water, crystalline structures, mountains, animals, and everything we have on the surface. The biggest difference is that these civilizations live in peace and harmony and unity. They do not have disease as we do, nor do they age at the same pace as us. They embody the highest frequency of love and this is reflected in everything they create, how they think, and how they perceive life and one another. Agartha and Telos have been living in unity consciousness and unconditional love for thousands of years; they hold very important energetic codes for the Earth we are in the process of creating. 

We might consider the Inner Earth beings as our big brothers and sisters in consciousness. And they are waiting for us, waiting for us to raise our vibration to love, so that in the future we can reunite as one race of Earth beings. (For those who want to explore this topic further, please look at Reunification of the Populations of Inner and Outer Earth by Paulette Raymond, or Telos, Volumes 1 and 2 by Aurelia Louise Jones.) 

We on the Outer Earth are headed in this direction but we have some ground yet to cover. 

Eetunan continued to answer my question. “This connection with the Inner Earth brings advanced, enlightened codes (sacred geometries contained in light ) to the Earth’s surface. The time has come to unleash the power of love, previously withheld as humanity played in the exploration of separation and polarity.”  

“But now,” Eeutnan emphasized, “NOW...humanity is in preparation for a complete rebirth.” 

My heart soared as I listened. 

“This portal has been guarded for thousands of years, intentionally closed until humanity was ready to receive this upgrade, an energetic new blueprint for a whole new way of living on the Earth. New Earth systems and higher level consciousness is now being shared through portals, vortices, and stargates all over the planet; codes for a harmonious and enlightened future. A new song vibration for the New Earth.” 

No longer conscious of the heat, I was completely engaged. I watched two huge Ferruginous Hawks float through the canyon riding an air current. 

“Gaia is a sentient, conscious being,” Eetunan continued, “a truth your indigenous races have never forgotten. She is making her own evolutionary shift from 3D to 5D. She is in advance of her children, and also holds important codes necessary for humanity to follow suit. This portal is two-fold, opening the energies not only to the advanced frequencies of Earth’s inner civilizations, but also to the ascension codes embodied in Gaia’s new evolved state. 

“Imagine a planet where instead of vilifying your differences in religion, race, customs, beliefs, humans saw the diversity of your cultures as an asset, as the fruit which makes your planet richer, more alive with possibility, more creative and abundant. Imagine a planet where all resources are shared, liberating tremendous wealth for all. Imagine a collective goal of safety and well being for all. This,” he said, “is your future... 

“Any human being walking this path along the gorge and for miles around has the potential to be impacted by the energy released from this portal. Like tuning forks, those who are ready, will entrain with this New Earth frequency and carry it within their energy body, catalyzing a consciousness, a direct knowing, a heart opening, an innate understanding that we are all connected by All That Is. The game humanity has played of separation is over. And your planet will be transformed one awakened heart at a time. 

This is your future.”

And with that Eetunan did a last spin in the blue sky and was gone. 

I contemplated his words as I walked back to my car. Is a utopia of this caliber truly in our future? 


Only in the West are dragons portrayed as monsters. In Eastern cultures they are revered as bringers of good fortune, good luck, abundance, and protection. In the epoch of the Satya yuga, referred to as the Golden Age, the magical dragon race lived in harmony with humans on the Earth’s surface. This is why representations of dragons exist in every continent the world over. 

When Earth moved into her darker phase of separation ( the Kali Yuga) the Earth ran rampant with warfare, greed, fear and power grabs. And the existence of dragons became a problem for some. Dragons, far more powerful than humans, threatened the newly emerging authority of the Christian church. The church began to demonize dragons, with the explicit intention of turning humans against them. Hence, the story of Saint Micheal slaying the dragon, and other stories of knights rescuing young virgins from the clutches of fire eating dragon-monsters. And yes, there were literal attempts to kill them. 

Dragons, no longer welcome on Outer Earth, left to reside in the Inner Earth with the other civilizations of advanced beings. The Inner Earth civilizations have been holding an energetic space for our planet, a higher love-based frequency on our behalf for a very long time. As we finally move into the early stages of humanity’s transition into higher consciousness, the dragon race is returning to help us make this critical shift. 

Humanity will never again cycle back into the darker, denser, more painful aspects of our long history. We have successfully completed the work of bringing light into the densest of forms and are graduating as we learn to hold and cultivate an elevated consciousness of love. For love is the doorway into our next dimensional shift. 


My Second Assignment in Bandelier, NM, June 2022

My second assignment was in the Bandelier National Monument Park, famous for the cliff dwelling ruins left behind by the ancient Pueblo Indians, living in this location between 1150 and 1550 AD. 

The dwellings themselves, many carved into a sheer-walled, 400-foot gorge, are amazingly intact with some walls still exhibiting murals of beautiful, ancient abstract patterns and geometrical motifs. 

My friend, Dave, offered to join me on this adventure. To get to Bandelier from Taos, we had to drive through property owned by the infamous Los Alamos Laboratories where the nuclear bomb was created and tested some 200 miles south. Our route required that we pass through a checkpoint in Los Alamos, show ID, and state where we were headed and why. As if entering a foreign country, and maybe we were.... 

We decided not to say we were on our way to work with a dragon and instead replied, “Oh, we’re tourists.” 

For those who are sensitive there is a strange, distorted energy when one enters the land owned by the Los Alamos Laboratory. I was told that back in the naive 40’s and 50’s, radioactive waste had been dumped in containers in the canyons of Los Alamos, a land considered sacred by the Native Americans. In May, 2000, a controlled burn, whipped out of control by strong winds, destroyed 48,000 acres in and around Los Alamos. A fireman friend told me that when the hot shot crews showed up they stood back in disbelief as the colors of the fire were unlike anything they had ever seen. It was clear to them something very inorganic was burning. 

The wind channel took the smoke from the Los Alamos fire and it settled over a community roughly 50 miles away. This rural town, in the direct air stream from Los Alamos, is now considered a cancer hot spot. 

I am describing this only to convey the physical toxicity of the land in Los Alamos, but there is more. Those who do any kind of energetic land work understand our human intentions and emotions are imprinted into the Earth, and the intentions at this lab are shrouded in death. 

The ancient ruins of Bandelier border this property. 

Once Dave and I arrived at the park we connected with Eetunan in order to determine where he would like us to be situated. 

Having never been to Bandelier, I was awestruck. Anyone who has visited Northern New Mexican knows how sacred the landscape is here, but the energy at this Monument Park is exceptional. I experienced a profound, timeless sense of the vibrant, bustling pueblo community, unaltered in its essence. As I navigated the narrow, single-person, cliff paths and climbed precariously steep hand hewn steps connecting one layer of dwellings to another, I could imagine the children running expertly past the adults, heard the songs of the women as they wove baskets, envisioned the elders sharing their teaching stories.  

I noticed a sense of joy in the tourists marveling at the ancient, expansive village and wondered if that joy had been left behind to remind us of a simpler life filled with creativity and community. 

Eetunan directed us to a path that ran along the outer edges of the pueblo and within a short time we were then directed to head off trail. Dave and I walked through the piñon and juniper landscape for another 15 minutes until Eetuana asked us to stop. 

Right away, I saw we were a stone's throw from the fence that delineated the Los Alamos property from the National Park, though we were far from the actual laboratories. Looking out over the manmade boundary that divided these landscapes I could literally feel the energetic shift on the other side of the fence. 

Eetunan explained we had been guided to an area on the land that contained a natural vortex. 

“This spot taps into the crossing of masculine and feminine energetic ley lines deep within the earth. When crossed, these two energy highways create frequencies of balance, cohesion, and the power to heal. The natural vortex brings these energies up to the surface not unlike the upwelling of a crystalline spring.” 

I had been instructed to bring three crystals which had not been programmed in any way. Eetunan asked us to plant them now in the shape of a large triangle with the base being at least 10 feet wide.  

“The grid of the triangle will be used to concentrate this energy,” Eetuana said, “not unlike pouring water through a funnel.” 

Dave and I planted the crystals and the two of us sat inside the triangle. We began to make our prayers requesting permission of the Devas (the overlighting land spirits,) the Ancient Guardians, the Ancestors, and the elementals to do the energy work with the dragon. We then honored all living beings; plants, animals, insects and birds, and beloved Gaia herself in recognition and reverence. 

“The work to be done here is a purification and balancing, to be extended far and wide,” Eetuana concluded. 

And so we sat in meditative silence as the dragon began to do his thing! 

With my third eye I watched as Eetunan lifted the balanced, healing frequency from the intersecting ley lines, revealed through the natural vortex within the earth, and now contained and concentrated within the triangular grid created by the crystals. He magnified, amplified, and supercharged this frequency of organic, vital, fundamental balance, as I was now beginning to understand only a dragon can do. 

Within what felt like minutes, Eetunan dispersed this purified potent frequency out in a radius of 10 miles in every direction, deeply penetrating into the Los Alamos property. I witnessed it as a dark cloud, an overlay of devolution energy being lifted, liberating the Los Alamos landscape and all its lifeforms to once again embrace a life affirming principal,  realigning this sacred land to once again vibrate within the circle of life.

Eetunan gave his now familiar spin in the sky and was gone. 

Dave and I sat in silence for quite a while, smiling and attempting to comprehend what just happened. Finally we got up to leave steeped in the awe and incredulity of what the power of a human/ dragon collaboration can accomplish. 

Blessed be! 

Stay tuned for Part 3 - My work with Eetunan in Mexico  

Please share this story with anyone who might be interested in my radical invitation to understand the infinite possibilities held within our co-creatorship with other dimensional realms.


Copyright © *Lindsay McGowen 2024
All rights reserved.